Botany Research and Development

Research Paper Publications

Sr. No. Name of The Publishers / Journal List of Author/s as it appear in the publication Issue No. Year of Publication Page Nos. ISSN / ISBN number
01 Science, Technology and Development Dethe U. L., Pawar U.R., Aparadh V.T., Desai N.M Vol. X IssueV 2021 609-613 ISSN : 0950-0707
02 Science, Technology and Development Dethe U. L., Desai N.M., Aparadh V.T., Pawar U.R., Vol. IX Issue XII 2020 585-592 ISSN : 0950-0707
03 Science, Technology and Development Uttam Dethe and Dattatraya Gaikwad Vol. VIII Issue X 2019 791-796 ISSN : 0950-0707
04 International Journal of Research Mamalayya A.B., Pawar U.R., Desai N.M., Dethe U.L., and Bharamal D.L. 8(3) 2019 3393-3406 ISSN NO: 2236-6124
05 JASC: Journal of Applied Science and Computations Dethe U. L., Desai N.M., Aparadh V.T., Pawar U.R., and Gaikwad D. K. 6(2) 2019 2866-2873 ISSN NO: 1076-5131
06 International Journal of Research Dethe U. L., Pawar U.R. and Gaikwad D. K. 8(1) 2019 1664-1672 ISSN NO: 2236-6124
07 JASC: Journal of Applied Science and Computations Dethe U. L., Aparadh V.T and Gaikwad D. K. 6(3) 2019 3368-3375 ISSN NO: 1076-5131
08 International Journal of Research. Dethe Uttam Laxman, Nivas Manohar Desai and Gaikwad Dattatraya Krishna, 8(5): 2019 3775-3780 ISSN NO: 2236-6124
09 Asian J. Biol. Sci. Dethe Uttam Laxman, Nivas Manohar Desai and Gaikwad Dattatraya Krishna 12(2) 2019 122-129 ISSN 1996-3351
10 International Journal of Research Mamalayya A.B., Pawar U.R., Desai N.M., Dethe U.L., And Bharmal D.L. 7(9) 2018 1421-1428 ISSN NO: 2236-6124
11 International Journal of Research Desai N.M., Dethe U.L., Pawar U.R. and Bharmal D.L. 7(8) 2018 1268-1274 ISSN NO: 2236-6124
12 Indian forester: Shakil D. Shaikh , Anant P. Patil and U. L. Dethe 144(1) 2018 100-100. ISSN 0019-4816
13 Bioscience Discovery Dethe U L and D.K Gaikwad 8(2) 2017 166-176 ISSN: 2229-3469
14 Bionano frontier Dethe U L and D.K Gaikwad 10(2) 2017 1-4. ISSN 0974-0678
15 American Journal of Plant Physiology. Nivas Desai, Uttam Dethe and Dattatraya Gaikwad 12 (1) 2017 38-44 ISSN 1557-4539
16 Research Journal of Medicinal Plant Desai Nivas, U.L. Dethe and D.K. Gaikwad 9 (7) 2015. 307-320 ISSN 1819-3455
17 Journal of Advances In Plant Research Dethe U.L., Joshi S.S., Desai S.S., and Aparadh V.T. 1(1) 2014 27-30. ISSN: XX

Book Published

Sr. No. Name of the Book Name of the Publishers ISSN / ISBN number
01 Allelopathic potential of Chromolaena odorata L. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, Mauritius ISBN:978-620-0-50076-2
02 Climate Change, Mangrove & Sustainable Management Bhumi Publishing, India ISBN: 978-93-88901-10-9
03 Research interventions and Technological advancements in Plant sciences Bhumi Publishing, India ISBN:978-81-951982-3-8
04 Impact of Siam Weed Chromolaena Odorata on Some Coastal Species. Vidya Prakashan, Kanpur ISBN : 978-93-84478-00-0


  • “Biological diversity assessment studies and biodiversity manangment plan for the core zone and buffer zone (10 kms radius area) of the Redi iron ore mine located in redi village, taluka vengurla, sindhudurg district of Maharashtra”. funded by M/S. Gogte Minerals, 4,25,000/- Rs. 1 Year
    Status: Completed.
  • “Biological diversity assessment studies and Biodiveristy Manangment plan for the core zone and buffer zone (10 kms radius area) of the redi iron ore mine located in redi village, taluka vengurla, sindhudurg district of Maharashtra” Funded by Redi Iron Ore MINES 4,25,000/- Rs. 1 Year
    Status: Completed
  • “Eneumearation and digitization of mangrove and associate species from Sindhudurg district” funded by University of Mumbai 40,000/- Rs. 1 Year