Department of B.Com. Banking & Insurance

01 Name of the Department Banking & Insurance
02 Year of Establishment 2007
03 Name of Program/Courses offered B.Com (Banking &Insurnace)
04 Names of Interdisciplinary courses and the departments/units involved NIL
05 Annual/Semester/Choice based Choice Based Credit, Grading and Semester System
06 Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY
07 Courses in collaboration with other universities, industries, foreign institutions, etc. Nil
08 Details of courses/program discontinued (if any) with reasons Nil
09 Number of Teaching Posts  
  Sanctioned Filled
Professors - -
Associate Professors - -
Asst. Professor 03 03
10 Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, specialization,(D.Sc./D.Litt./Ph.D./M.Phil.etc)  
Name Qualification Designation Specialization No. of years of experience No. of Ph.D. Students guided
Mr. V.G. Barve M COM, M PHIL, SET Assistant Professor Finance 15 years -
Mr. R, S. Tawade M COM, B Ed. Assistant Professor Finance 08 months -
Mrs. Sneha Santosh Tari M COM, SET Assistant Professor Finance 6 years -
11 List of Senior Visiting Faculty 00
12 Percentage of lectures delivered and practical classes handled(program wise) by temporary faculty 00
13 Student – Teacher Ratio (program wise)  
FY BBI 67 67/4= 16.75
SYBBBI 67 67/4= 16.75
TYBBBI 61 61/3= 20.33
14 Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff; sanctioned and filled  
Technical Sanctioned Filled
Lab Assistant 00 00
Lab Attendant 00 00
15 Qualifications of teaching faculty with DSc/D.Litt/ Ph.D/MPhil/PG
Ph.D 00
M.Phil 01
P.G. 04
16 Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) National b) International funding agencies and grants received 00
a) National 00
b) International 00
  Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC, DBT, ICSSR, etc. and total grants received 00
18 Research Centre/ facility recognized by the University 00
19 Publications (Publication per faculty)  
Faculty Name Publications
20 Number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national/International) by faculty and students:
Number of publications listed in International Database (For eg: Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database 02
Scopus Nil
Monographs Nil
Chapter in Books Nil
Books Edited 00
Books with ISBN/ISSN numbers with details of Publishers Nil
Citation Index Nil
Impact factor Nil
H-index Nil
21 Areas of consultancy and income generated Nil
22 Faculty as members in  
a) National Committees Nil
b) International Committees Nil
c) Editorial Boards Nil
23 Student projects:  
a) Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter departmental/program 61/195 *100= 31.28%
b) Percentage of students placed for projects in organizations outside the institution i.e. in Research laboratories/Industry/other agencies Nil
24 Awards/Recognitions received by faculty and students Student : Dhanesh Ghanashyam gawade

Happy Co-Author of Meliora award
25 List of eminent academicians and scientists/visitors to the department 1. NeahaKavdekar- Jr. Clerk, Bank of India, Branch Pinguli

2. NavnathGawas- LIC Assistant, Kudal

3. CA SudhirNaik, Sawantwadi
26 Seminars/Conferences/Workshops organized & the source of funding  
a) National Nil
b) International Nil
27 Student profile program/course wise :  
Name of the Courses/Program Application received Selected Enrolled Pass Percentage
      M F  
FY BBI 90 67 25 42 66/67*100=98.50%
SY BBI 67 67 15 52 67/67*100=100%
TY BBI 61 61 17 44 61/61*100=100%
28 Diversity of students :  
Name of The Course % of students from the same state % of students from other States % of students from abroad
FY BBI 94.03% 5.97% -
SY BBI 98.51% 1.49% -
TY BBI 100% - -
29 How many students have cleared national and state competitive examinations such as NET,SLET,GATE, Civil services, Defense services, etc. ? Nil
30 Student progression :  
UG to PG 10
PG to M.Phil Nil
PG to Ph.D 02
Ph.D to Post – Doctoral Nil
Employed 41
Campus Selection 05
Other than campus recruitment Nil
Entrepreneurship/Self –employment 03
31 Details of Infrastructural facilities  
a) Library Yes
b) Internet facilities for Staff & Students Yes
c) Class rooms with ICT facility: Nil
d) Laboratories Nil
32 Number of students receiving financial assistance from college, university, government or other agencies 12
33 Details on student enrichment program (special lectures/workshops/ seminar) with external experts 02
34 Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning Lectures, Class Tests,Assignments, Industrial visits, Guest lectures
35 Participation in Institutional Social Responsibility(ISR) and Extension activities Participation in NSS Programs, Blood Donations etc.
36 SWOC analysis of the department and Future plan  
Strengths 1.maximum number of students in the dept.

2. well qualified teaching staff.

3. personal attention is being given for development of the students.
Weakness 1.Less industry- institute interaction. Lack of practical approach

2.Less placement ratio
Opportunities 1.To arrange more experts, guest lectures to impart the knowledge to the students

2.Maximum use of ICT in teaching and learning process
Challenges 1.To strengthnLess industry- institute interaction. Lack of practical approach

2. More placements in core companies.
Future Plans